

I have been journaling for years and using a calendar too. I’ve developed different methods to care for my well-being and track success in a planner. My Daily Good is a compilation of my favorite tools.

I am a devout faith believer in Christ. In the morning, rise, and raise your hands in thanksgiving. One hand to give thanks; another to receive manna, my daily bread.

My Daily Good is a nightly routine of reflecting on the good. It helps to quiet an anxious mind and boost self-esteem.

I will be providing workshops throughout the year to support your use of planner, well-being and teach nightly practice of how to “Resolve to Good.” Please follow me and subscribe to my newsletter to receive updates.

I welcome opportunities to collaborate with other like-hearted people. If you’re interested in having me to be a Guest Speaker on your platform, please “Contact” me.

Angela Cherise Alley, Founder of LuvEnlightens, has a Master of Arts in Behavioral Science and has developed a behavioral health model titled Spiritual Emotional Wellness (SEW).

“SEW can also be defined as a way one can maintain spiritual homeostasis.
All three are operating at the same time and fluidly with one another.”

Angela Cherise Alley


Acknowledge we are all spiritual, locus of our humanity, is spirit first. We were created by God, who is love, therefore we are love. Spiritual is also considered our personal beliefs that influence behavior, determine moral conduct, etc.


Our humanity copes with the broad spectrum of duality: life-death, good-bad, happy-sad. We have complex emotions. Emotions are always present; however, we can manage how we care for ourselves in different emotional states.


Wellness is managing the spiritual and emotional. Finding balance, treating oneself well, caring for or correcting incorrect belief systems that do not serve one well, making choices that esteem oneself.

Empowering transformation

We facilitate immersive workshops
that nurture your well-being through powerful teachings and messages based in our principled theory:

Spiritual Emotional Wellness

(def) Transformative theory to bring healing to humanity restoring our identity to divinity—love.